Tuesday 21 January 2014


READ: MATTHEW 23:25-28
Are you a child of God? God is light and if you are His offspring, you too are light. God expects you to rebel against all forms of ungodliness and evil in your secular work, school or ministry. If others choose to compromise, you must stand for Christ and uphold His word. This year, the Lord is saying to you, Enough of your compromise; enough of trying to be called the good boy or girl; enough of playing to the gallery. It’s time to stand for Christ. The Lord will strengthen you to stand for Him in Jesus name.
Another sin king David was convicted of by Prophet Nathan was hypocrisy. After impregnating Uriah’s wife, he called him from the battle front and invited him to the palace saying, ‘Uriah, I love you. Come and feast with me and thereafter you can go home’. Uriah must have wondered when he suddenly became so popular that the king would invite an ordinary rank and file to drink with him. He was happy that if he could be so honoured by the king, promotion was around the corner, not knowing David had dug his grave. David was eating and smiling at Uriah but his heart was full of evil against him. Like David, some leaders will say nice things to your face but destroy you behind. They are very slimy. They cannot openly condemn sin because they don’t want to be given a bad name.
“Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity” (Matthew 23:28). Hypocrisy is pretending to be what you are not. God hates hypocrisy. If you are full of evil but pretend to be a good person, you are a hypocrite. Leaders should be weary of those who hang around them. Sycophants and hypocrites are very many in churches today. Some believers are so conditioned to pretences that they find it difficult to be genuine or truthful in their motives or actions. If you pray like an angel in church but cannot pray at home, you are a hypocrite. If you teach people to do what you cannot do, you are hypocrite. If your religious piety is only outward whereas you have no substance of the true Christian faith, it’s hypocrisy. Some agents of darkness come to church just to seduce men of God or to lure victims into Satanist cults. But they come as sheep. Every hypocrite will face disgrace. Job 20:5 says they can never have enduring joy. Woe, curses and judgement await hypocrites (Luke 11:44; Matthew 24:51). Are you pretending to be born again? One day everybody will know you are not. Repent today. Ask God to break every yoke of hypocrisy from you.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 23:28 –Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.