Thursday 2 January 2014


READ: 2 KINGS 1:13-14
Your salvation is in your hands. If you do nothing about it, you will likely get nothing out of it. In today’s reading, after two sets of soldiers were roasted, the king sent another set. The captain of this group had some common sense. He saw the ashes of the first two groups of soldiers and immediately fell down pleading for their lives. And they lived. What are the negative events that have railed your family for generations? Is it untimely death, miscarriages, late marriages, unexplainable misfortunes, stagnated progress, etc? When it comes to your turn, it must fail because you are special to God.
“Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17)
 If you truly have the Spirit of Christ, curses and covenants that affected others should not affect you. This can be achieved by taking your case to the court of Heaven and reminding God that by your spiritual rebirth, you have been engrafted into the spiritual lineage of Abraham. You are now a spiritual Jew. Automatically, the superior provisions and covenant of your spiritual family will render that of your physical family null and void (Romans 11:16-18; Galatians 3:13-14).
The captain lived, and his men also. After that group, no other one was roasted by fire just because the captain begged. If you can do something about that unpleasant trend in your office, school, family or church, you could prevent several others, including unborn generations from the evil plans of the enemies. Are you ready to pay the price that would save your entire nation? You should live and work in dominion. As the captain bowed to Elijah, everyone who is sent on a satanic mission against you will bow to you and beg for their lives henceforth. As pastor of your local assembly, what price have you paid to secure the lives of your flock from death, ignorance, poverty, demonic attacks? If you fail to do something, you might just be leaving them in the hands of their enemies. Repent today. Happy New Year!
MEMORIZE: 2 CORINTHIANS 3:17 –Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.