Saturday 28 January 2012


Believers have a future. The believer’s future is so glorious that the human tongue can hardly describe it. We shall spend eternity with God. This is not just all that we have to gain. There are different types of crowns awaiting overcomers. Some people will receive only one while some will receive two or more. Some will be in the general department of heaven, while some will be in the court of the Almighty God. Some will be far from the throne of God while others will be near the throne with Him. Today, we would discuss The Crown of Righteousness. Those who will receive this crown are those who painstakingly expect the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has reserved this type of crown for those who watch for the day of the Lord. To what day is our text referring? It is the day Jesus Christ will appear in the sky to change our bodies. We shall receive glorious bodies. After welcoming us, He will give us the crown of righteousness. This day will be a day of great joy. Who are those expecting the appearing of Jesus Christ? They are those living a holy life. When you keep committing sin, you cannot at the same time pray for Christ to come quickly. You surely know that His coming will bring judgment upon sinners. Those who live a holy life will be honoured while sinners will be judged. Every earnest believer is watching for the appearing of the Lord. A believer who is holy will hasten to say: “Come, Lord Jesus.” Can you say, “Come, Lord Jesus” without any fear of judgment? If the Lord were to appear in the sky right now, will you be ready to meet Him?
MEMORIZE: 2 TIMOTHY 4:22 –The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.