works like a powerful magnet: it attracts God to those in need of divine
intervention. Hypocrisy, on the other hand, stands like an impenetrable wall
between the needy and God’s supplies. Right from the beginning of the world, men
and women have been putting on the mask of hypocrisy and deception. We seem not
to have learnt a lesson from Bible characters. History will always repeat
itself. Today, let us learn a lesson from the fall of Adam. Adam sinned against
God then he went on to say, “I hid myself.” This is the most
funny of all his statements. Where was he hiding? Behind a tree! Who made the
tree? God. By the way, where was God coming from? He was coming from above.
Nobody can hide from God. In our text, David said, in summary, that there is no
hiding place from God. You cannot hide what you have done from God. You cannot
even hide your thoughts from Him. Hebrews 4:13 says nothing is hidden from the
eyes of Himto whom we must give account: “And there is no creature hidden from His
sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must
give account.” Hiding from God will not solve your problems. However,
if you would open up to Him honestly, He will send His help. If God were to
corner you alone now and ask, “Where are you?” you would need to be
transparently open I your answer to Him. Nothing kills a man faster than mis-presenting his problem to the One who can help
him. I was once asked to pray for a man who had prostate cancer. When I got to
him he told me that what he had was stomachache. He did not known what he was
suffering from. Those used to the healing ministry know that there are degrees
of gifts of healing. The anointing you need to release when you want to heal
someone with stomachacheis definitely different from the one you need to bring
into operation when dealing with cancer. When someone wants to receive help, he
should be ready to expose himself if need be. Transparency will make you
receive your miracles faster.
HEBREWS 4:13-And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are
naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.