Tuesday 17 January 2012


READ: ACTS5:1-11
We need to go back t the good old days when purity was every believer’s watchword. In those days there was no room for even an appearance of sin. There was no room for ordinary lies, not to talk of fornication and adultery. Our text leads us to the story of Ananias and Sapphira. They sold their own land and brought half of the money to the church. Peter asked them whether it was the exact amount they sold the land for and they answered in the affirmative. What was the result? They died for telling lies. Ordinary lies could kill in those days. Now, Christians tell all kinds of lies, including white lies and business lies, assuming that God would not mind. God have mercy. If you want the power of God to flow into and through you, you have to be pure. If the power begins to flow in you and you are not holy, you will get burnt. If divine current meets an obstruction on the way, there will be short-circuiting. When this happens, there is always a disruption in the flow of electricity. If you lie as often as you like and the Holy Spirit lets you go, you have a serious problem. I hope the Holy Spirit has not forsaken you completely. If you want the power of God to flow into you, you better get into communion with Him. After you established fellowship with God, you need to go into praise and worship. As a member of the church, we worship God with dancing and singing and drumming. In those days guitars were not allowed in our church as guitars were thought worldly, yet we worshipped the Almighty God and things happened. Now, however, the guitar has been accepted because the Almighty God says we should praise Him with stringed instruments. Now we know that drums are not of the devil because the Lord says we can beat drums (Psalm 150). Now that we know we can clap because the Bible says, “OH, clap your hands, all you peoples!”I think we should be able to worship and praise Him far better than we are doing. The quality of our worship and praise should increase because we are more enlightened as regards what constitutes real worship. God’s power flows through praise and worship. If you want the divine current to flow into your life, you must spend meaningful time in praise and worship.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 5:8 –Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.