Thursday 5 September 2013


READ: 1 JOHN 2:15-17
To prevent defilement, a virgin will have to keep herself as far away as possible from danger zone. You have to be sober, vigilant and very careful. A lady who is half-nude and is raped, has no reason to cry. She invited the rapist. The way you dress speaks volume. There is a dress code for Christians. Your purpose for dressing should be to cover your nakedness, glorify God and look decent. Christians dress to radiate Christ and attract souls to God’s Kingdom. Unbelievers dress mostly to gratify their flesh and glorify Satan hence they follow after the fashion of this world.   
“And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passes away” (1 Corinthians 7:31). Sister, why do you put on those transparent dresses? Why do you use mini-skirts? Why choose to wear the type of dress that will expose your body? You call it fashion but God calls it dress-abuse. If your dressing stirs up lust and immoral thoughts in brothers, how then are you helping to build the Kingdom? If you enter a spiritually charged environment, and not long after, through the generous exposure of certain parts of your body, the Holy Ghost fire begins to give way to lustful fire, are you not an agent of darkness? According to Romans 14:15-21, God will hold you responsible for the souls you sentence to hell through your promiscuous dressing. Repent today.
When you see a virgin, you will immediately tell she is from a good home. A home where there is discipline and no nonsense tolerated. Ezekiel 16:44 says as the mother is, so is the daughter. This means children are only a reflection of their parents. Some parents have become so liberal minded to the point of losing control over their children. If your children are not disciplined, it is because you, the parents, are not. As with the physical, so is the spiritual. If you cannot raise up a disciplined followership as a leader, that is a mark of failure. God is keenly interested in how you raise your children. If well done, He will give you a reward. If not, you might earn His judgement. Begin to put things right from today.
MEMORIZE : 1 JOHN 2:16 –For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.