Friday 13 September 2013


READ: 1 PETER 3:1-4
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).
Meekness is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. It refers to a state where you have been offended, and have power to fight back, but you refuse to use it. This could either be because you are allowing the love of God in your heart to cover up the offence (1 Peter 4:8) or that you have handed the matter over to the One who has never lost battle, the Lord of Hosts. Moses was very meek (Numbers 12:1-16). According to this passage, when you speak to a meek person, it is God who will hear and answer you. The meek are the ones God will fight for because they have emptied themselves of the ability to fight for themselves. It is either God fights for you or you handle it yourself, not both. “Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest to your souls” (Matthew 11:29).
Jesus Christ was the meekest of men. Isaiah 53:7-12 enumerates all the opportunities Jesus was robbed off. Meekness allows you to suffer patiently for righteousness sake. Are you meek? Do you have the mindset of Jesus Christ? The meek is not vengeful. If you always want to retaliate, it is an evidence of lack meekness. Meekness in the life of the anointed acts like checks and balances thereby forestalling an abuse of the anointing. It works hand in hand with self-control. It also guarantees continuous replenishment of the anointing because it is a twin brother of humility. Nothing dries up anointing like pride or immorality.
Meekness is deliberate weakness, cowardice and inactivity when it comes to fighting fellow believers. If you are anointed without meekness, you will be a danger to God’s Kingdom. Such will be a tool in the hands of Satan against God’s people and Kingdom. May you never turn against God or His people. This is why you must be broken before you are rebuilt, and why the fruit of the Spirit should precede the gifts of the Spirit in your life. If you have the fruit of the Spirit without anointing for miracles (gifts), you will make it to Heaven and even be a king there. John the Baptist never performed a single miracle but he led so many souls to Lord. What anointing can be greater than turning sinners to saints? Jesus said John was greater than the rest of Old Testament prophets who performed miracles. Anointing without the fruit of the Spirit makes you like the devil who is anointed but lacks the fruit of the Spirit and will end in hell. Ask to be meek from today.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 11:29 –Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest to your souls.