Tuesday 10 September 2013


READ: MARK 3:13-15
Our Lord Jesus Christ chose twelve disciples. He had some reasons for His choice. The first was for companionship. This is very important to God. Right from the beginning, God has craved man’s companionship (Genesis 3:8). He is still in search of those who will keep His company. Companionship is far more important to Him than working for Him. Many of us, including ministers, are too busy to find time to spend with God. You have no business with ministry when you cannot find quality time for the One who has called you into it. A minister that dethrones companionship with God from its first place has just endorsed his doom in ministry.
You are also chosen to minister. God expects you to minister to Him (Deuteronomy 21:5). But today everyone prefers to be ministered to rather than minister to the Lord. Jesus says, “Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). How are ministering to Lord today? In Acts 13:1-3, some chosen ones ministered to the Lord in fasting, praise, worship and thanksgiving. If you are sure you are among the chosen few, you would minister to the Lord regularly.
The Lord also chose you to serve: to serve God and His people. Even now in Heaven, people are serving each other. They look for opportunities to be a blessing to others. If eternity in Heaven is about serving one another, it won’t be wrong if we start it right here on earth (Mark 10:43-45). Leaders, how are you serving those under you? Being bossy is no service. A bossy and overbearing leader is serving himself, not God; not his followers. God has called you to lead, not to boss people.
In addition, you are chosen to show forth God’s praise according to 1 Peter 2:9. You are also chosen to know Him. There are various degrees of this knowledge. Jesus says, learn of me (Matthew 11:29). There is a world of knowledge you can have of the Lord. Upon all that Paul the Apostle knew about the Lord and his several trips to planet Heaven before he died, he realized it was a drop of water compared to an ocean. Hence all his cry remained, ‘That I may know Him’ and he was prepared to pay any price for this (Philippians 3:8-15). It is revelation knowledge of Christ that will qualify you to be among the chosen. In all your search, get to know the Lord better.
MEMORIZE: 1 PETER 2:9 –But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.