Friday 20 September 2013


READ: PSALM 121:3-4
The story of the ten virgins says that while they awaited the arrival of the bridegroom: both the wise and the foolish virgins slept (Matthew 25:5). This means that the wise can also slumber and sleep. Hence 1 Corinthians 10:12 warns us to be very careful so we don’t fall. 1 Peter 1:5 admonishes us to ever rely on the power of God. He is the only One who neither slumbers nor sleeps, according to our reading. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, He will keep you spiritually alert. The five wise virgins slept because they had no advance warning that they were going to sleep. They did not prepare for it because they were ignorant of the possibility of sleeping. For today’s believers, such a possibility will not take us unawares because according to 1Corinthians 10:5-6, the five wise virgins have become an example to us. We read documented accounts of those who could not make it to Heaven, so as to learn from their mistakes. This is why God gave us the Bible. You do not have to fall where Samson, David, Judas and others fell. Believers who cannot avoid the pitfalls of their predecessors will not do better than them.
Certain things trigger spiritual slumber and sleep in believers. One is a long wait. According to 2 Peter 3:3-4, some believers who started well, ended up as scoffers and jesters, querying if Jesus would actually returned as promised. Are you tired of waiting for the Master’s second coming? Are you now saying He may not come again? Be very careful. You are on your way to a fall. The Bible says, Jesus who promised is faithful. Another thing that can cause slumber according to Matthew 24:12, is an increase in sin. Your love for God can grow cold, when you see those you hold in high esteem compromising with sin. For instance, a sister trusting God for the fruit of the womb goes to meet a highly respected man of God for prayers. If he decides to use this as an opportunity to lure her into adultery, she will be so disappointed that she might conclude everyone else is like him. She may even stop going to church. That pastor is only a charlatan destined for hell. Never let the mistakes of the fallen cause you to sleep spiritually. The race is to save your life. It is strictly personal.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 26:41 –Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.