Monday 14 April 2014


READ: MARK 14:66-72
In most industrial settings, there are industrial accidents and hazards which take place occasionally. Sometimes, while working on a piece of wood, to bring out a particular carving – say a lion, the sculptor strikes a blow and suddenly a crack results. At such moments, he may be unable to obtain the original carving he had in mind due to the crack, and would rather work out a new carving in order not to waste all effort and time already invested into it. But at the other times, all efforts to patch that crack in order to make it a useful piece will prove abortive and in the process be left with the choice of dropping that wood for another.
The Bible is full of examples of cracked logs of wood that were destined to become mighty carvings. Some were mendable while some were not. David was a log of wood when the Almighty God went to fetch him from the bush and made him king. While still working out a masterpiece from the wood, it cracked (2 Samuel 12). But inspite of his errors, God, instead of dumping him preferred to mend the crack. Although he did not eventually fit into the perfect carving mould God intended for him to be, David still ended as a showpiece. Have you cracked while God was working on you? May He never dump you for some other wood in Jesus name. No matter how cracked and unusable you may be, may His love and Almightiness prevail in making something of praise out of your log in Jesus name.
Peter was another log of wood. He had several cracks but God mended him. His major crack occurred in Mark 14:66-72 when he thrice denied Jesus. But because Jesus had seen his crack well ahead of time, He prayed for him. Although he did not fit into God’s original carving mould, Peter, however, became a beautiful showpiece that brought glory to God. Before then, he wept bitterly and repented of his denials. Later, he cancelled his denials (John 21:15-17). Why struggle to become a showpiece when you can become the original master piece that is intended for you? Drop your backsliding and compromises. Stop betraying the Lord. Stop struggling with the Holy Spirit in all areas and yield yourself completely to Him. Let Him have His way in your life today. You can become His master piece!
MEMORIZE: PSALM 51:8 –Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which You have broken may rejoice.