Saturday 12 April 2014


READ: JOHN 6:5-14
“And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Believe you this?” (John 11:26).
The Law of Resurrection is not only more superior and powerful than the laws of death and gravity, it is what will enable you unite with Christ in the clouds at the rapture. It is also what will empower you to walk on the storms of life like Jesus and Peter walked on water (Matthew 14:22-32). The law of resurrection and life is also the factory of miracles. Miracles occur when the Lord interrupts or suspends a physical law and replaces it with a spiritual law. Anywhere the law of resurrection and life operates, the unusual must follow. Some people say miracles have since stopped. As long as Jesus is still the same and He intervenes in the law of sin and death, miracles must result.
Hebrews 13:8 says: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. As long as Jesus remains on His throne, miracles will continue to happen in my life. How does God work miracles? He has so many ways of doing this. He can employ natural means and objects to perform miracles. In John 6:5-14, in order to feed some thousands of people, Jesus used physical substances –five loaves of bread and two fishes. Physically speaking, according to the law of lack, that food was enough for one boy. But when Jesus suspended the law of lack and applied something superior -the law of multiplication, the food became enough for 5000 men besides women and children. If there billions present that day, all would have been fed.
Do you have a project at hand but the means to execute that project is very little or inadequate? Do not fret. Read this passage and challenge the One who made a boy’s meal to be sufficient for thousands of people to equally suspend the law of lack and make your little to become sufficient. Similarly, in 2 Kings 4:1-7, a widow was held bound in poverty by the law of want. God could have provided for her by turning stones into money. But He decided to suspend the law of lack and impose His law of multiplication on her bottle of oil. Through that she not only paid her debts, she became an oil magnate. Ask God to apply the law of multiplication to your situation of want, insufficiency and dryness. Cry to Him in faith. As He does this, you will experience a miracle. From today, you will experience miracles. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says God is able to make you sufficient in all good things.
MEMORIZE: 2 CORINTHIANS 3:5 –Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.