Sunday 13 April 2014


READ: ACTS 10:9-18
When you receive a blessing you are not prepared for, your response may be inappropriate. In Luke 12:16-21, a farmer got a mighty harvest. He received it in a way that insulted the Source of the harvest and God called him home that night leaving the blessing behind. But for that harvest the man would have lived. Some believers pray and fast for a large harvest without adequately preparing for it. If such a great harvest comes suddenly, it can kill them. In Luke 5:1-8, having toiled all night without a single fish, Peter was greatly embarrassed for the great catch that came into his net at the intervention of Jesus. That sudden, mighty provision brought confusion to him to the extent that, instead of thanking the provider, he told Him to leave him alone.
Are you prepared for the level of harvest you are asking for? If you are not, a sudden move of God can cause someone who has been standing to be blown away. In Acts 10:9-18, God was about to launch Peter into the enviable position of Apostle of the Gentiles [not being sent only to the Jews.] It was a great position but because he was not prepared, it blew his mind. The Lord showed him all kinds of creeping things and animals which were still unclean to him. In other words, Peter became more scriptural than the Word Himself.
Becoming the Apostle to the Gentiles is a blessing that would have moved Peter from a local ministry to an international one. It would have also given him a greater reward, honour and grace but because he was not prepared for it, Peter lost it to Paul –a young convert who was prepared. Are you ready for the coming harvest? Paul took Peter’s place in God’s plan. Nobody will take my place in God’s last move on earth. If you are prepared for the last days’ harvest, stones can take your place. Be prepared by shunning all manner of secret sins. Be willing and submissive to the Holy Spirit. Be sensitive to discern the new move of God and flow with the tide. Drop traditions and stereotypes. Remain pliable in the hands of God. The coming harvest will not sweep you away.
MEMORIZE: ACTS 10:15 –And the voice spoke to him again the second time, What God has cleansed, that call you common.