Sunday 20 April 2014


READ: ACTS 1:6-9
“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch” (Acts 5:12).
A revival broke out in Jerusalem during the early church. Multitudes were being added to the Church as disciples were having one of their greatest moments. Even the shadow of Peter was healing the sick (Acts 5:12-16). In the midst of this revival, the disciples and the apostles lost the greater vision for world evangelization, which the Lord clearly handed to them shortly before His ascension (Acts 1:8). In their spiritual drunken state, they narrowed their vision to their home base. Today, we are repeating the same mistake the leaders of the early church made. We are so thrilled with the few souls we have won, or the few thousands that have been healed or provided for that we lose sight of the harvest of millions awaiting us outside. There is a greater harvest for you.
Philip took part in the revival in Jerusalem. He too was caught up in the vision myopia until a severe persecution came to disperse them. That was when his eyes opened and he went to Samaria and the whole city followed Jesus, while signs and wonders followed him. It was while still going for Jesus that he met the Ethiopian Eunuch and led him to Christ: through him the Gospel spread to Africa. If you do not leave your cocoon, you cannot experience the great harvest awaiting you. Are you praying and fasting to experience God’s miraculous power through you? Just go and preach the word and the Word will back up your word with signs following. Jesus never promised that signs will come to you if you remain in the same place. He said in Mark 16:17: “And these signs shall follow…..” Signs and wonders are angels. They never lead; they always follow those who go out for Jesus. If you never go out for Jesus, signs and wonders will not recognize you. They will pay deaf ears to your calls. But if you are always going out for Jesus, you are guaranteed they are always in your company. Anyone these two angels follow will become very famous and highly favoured. They are very selective of who they follow. Do they follow you? Do you go out for the Lord?
MEMORIZE: MARK 16:17 –And these signs shall follow them that believe; in My name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues.