Sunday 10 November 2013


Have you decided to follow Jesus? Then be determined. God wants you to be holy but He will not compel you to be holy. If you want to commit adultery, God will not send an angel to stop you. It is a matter of choice and determination. The battle starts when you have determined to be holy. If you were the one chasing girls before, after your decision, they will begin to chase you. Those who will be holy, must develop self control. With the weapon of self control (temperance), you will defeat Satan any day, but without it, Proverbs 25:28 says you are like a city without walls.
The Christian who lacks self control will be attacked by Satan, invaded by his demons and oppressed by witches and wizards. Such a person will be a slave to sin because the fellow lacks wall of defence. Your wall of defence is self control. Without it, you are an easy target for the devil. If you have developed this fruit of the Spirit, Proverbs 16:32 says you are a mighty warrior. Every child of God who is Heaveb-bound must build up his defence against the enemy in at least four major areas: eating, the opposite sex, compromise and the band wagon appeal.
You must control your appetite. In Daniel 1:8, Daniel one of the Hebrew captives in Babylon was chosen for special treatment by the king. He was offered the same food the king ate but because it was sacrificed to idols, he refused. Some Christians in the name of dispensational liberty; eat meat sacrificed to idols or used in worship by other faiths. Watch what you eat or else, you will eat what you never bargained for. Some Christians still take alcohol once in while. This is forbidden for true heaven-bound saints. If you are filled with the ‘spirit’ of the bottle, there will be a fight between the spirits and the Holy Spirit will leave.
In addition, if you over eat, you cannot pray. You will find it difficult to fly in the things of the Spirit. There should be a safe distance between you and the opposite sex. You should refuse to compromise with corrupt law enforcement agents. Do not give or take bribe. Do not join others to do evil. If the brother next to you backslides, is that enough reason for you to backslide? Keep yourself pure.
MEMORIZE: PROVERBS 25:28 –He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls.