Tuesday 5 November 2013


READ: 2 KINGS 7:17-20
God’s rain of anointing is ready to fall. But if you choose to remain under the roof of a house or a large umbrella while the rain is falling, it is possible that one drop of rain will touch your head, in spite of the heavy down pour. To bring the siege in Samaria to an end, God sent His rain of provisions. The Economic Adviser of the king, who doubted the possibility of this miracle saw it but did not partake of it according to our reading. When the anointing comes, it will be falling heavily around some Christians but not a drop would come on their heads. May you not miss your opportunity for greatness.
“So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief” (Hebrews 3:19).
The roof over the head capable of preventing the anointing upon you, could be doubt and unbelief. God may want to anoint you but your head may refuse it. The heads of all the other sons of Jesse refused the anointing probably because of secret sins in their lives.
If you are living in secret sins, your head will refuse the anointing. But if it must take it, the anointing will expose those sins before long. The anointing would demote rather than promote such a secret sinner.
For those who are on Satan’s payroll, otherwise called satanic agents, when they come out for anointing, the power of the Holy Spirit behind the anointing oil suddenly withdraws when it gets to them. Even if you empty a jar of the anointing oil on them, it is ordinary oil that is pouring on them. The anointing is not for the heads of sinners, those who have not been born again. The first anointing the sinner needs is the born again anointing. When the anointing has destroyed a yoke, it is permanently destroyed, except of course, the recipient returns to sin. In John 5:14, Jesus warns every recipient of the anointing not to return to sin. You can have the anointing today but what is the state of your heart? Make your ways right before God and seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit to come upon you.
MEMORIZE: 1 SAMUEL 19:9 –Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, Neither has the Lord chosen this.