Saturday 16 November 2013


God created you to be outstanding. Being average means going below the level God has set for you. Nobody wins any laurels by being average. Heaven will only celebrate the outstanding, not the average Christian. You, too, can be among those who will be celebrated and listed in Heaven’s hall of fame. Join the outstanding club from today. “I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14).
There is a ‘high’, not ‘low’, calling of God upon your life. God has called you to be outstanding. He has called you to be the head and be above only. That is when He will be glorified in your life. But if you are among the average, you disappoint God’s plans for your life. May you not destroy God’s plan for your life. Another attribute of outstanding people is that they volunteer involvement. They do not wait to be told to get involved. In fact, they are in search of opportunities for hard work. They are always looking for opportunities to sow into God’s kingdom and build for god. They would walk up to the pastor and say, ‘I can see we need to change the loud speakers and drum set. Please I want to be involved in meeting these needs.’ Average people see the needs but they pretend they didn’t. When somebody comes to point out the need, they will hush them up and say, ‘Don’t let pastor know about it or else we’ll compelled to contribute towards it.
Also, outstanding people always have fresh testimonies. Ask the average person what God has done in their lives and they will tell you what God did to them some five, 10, or 20 years ago. While the average person produces stale testimonies, the outstanding person produces mint-fresh testimonies. They will tell you of their encounter with God in the past one or two weeks, even yesterday and today. David was outstanding. You will be outstanding from today. Outstanding people always end up at the top. Inability to reach the top has nothing to do with humility, but every thing to do with timidity. Reserved seats are fro those who are outstanding. Someone once said, ‘staying at the rear is not humility but humiliation.’ Don’t stay in the middle. Aim for the heights.
MEMORIZE: PHILIPPIANS 3:14 –I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.