Monday 11 November 2013


READ: 1 KINGS 19:5-6
Elijah ran from Jezebel and finally got to a juniper tree, tired and still confused. He asked God to take his life and slept off. After a sound sleep, an angel woke him up to eat of the food he had prepared for him. God never abandons His own. He asked for death but God gave him food and water instead. The Lord will not abandon you. After serving God from his youth to old age, David testified of his experience in Psalm 34:19.
“I have been young and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread”
David’s testimony goes beyond himself. He looked at his life, and the lives of all others who diligently served God. Then he looked at their generations and all he could see was God’s faithfulness. If you can be devoted to God, and serve Him with all your heart, not only will you harvest God’s faithfulness in your life time, your children, children’s children and up to several generations in your lineage will harvest God’s faithfulness. Some people may think you are wasting your time serving God now. They may fail to understand why you have denied yourself sinful opportunities to amass wealth. Ride on brother! Ride on sister! You are not wasting your time. You are sowing in righteousness. You are laying the foundation for coming generations in your lineage to be blessed. You are working for the most generous employer. Time will vindicate your actions.
God will never allow you to starve. God sent an angel to bring food to Elijah. Angels are our servants. If you have been worshipping them, you have degraded yourself. Is it not madness for the Managing Director to be worshipping his messenger? Desist from this today. If you worship God, angels will minister to you as the children of their Master (Hebrews 1:13-14). God first fed Elijah through ravens. Then He used a widow. Now, He used an angel. This shows that God has unlimited ways of meeting the needs of those who serve Him faithfully. The bread Elijah ate was oven fresh from Heaven. Any miracle God gives to those who are very devoted to Him is oven fresh. But if you are fond of giving God the remnant of the blessing He gives to you, by the time you need a miracle, you could get a stale, but commensurate ‘left over’ blessing.
MEMORIZE: ISAIAH 3:10 –Say you to the righteous, that it shall be well with him; for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.