Sunday 9 February 2014


God’s blessings are two fold: one is conditional while the other is unconditional. In Deuteronomy 28:1-14, we have a clear case of conditional blessings. Verse two says: “And all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you, if you shall hearken to the voice of the LORD your God.” This means if you do not keep to the conditions, do not waste your time to claiming, praying or fasting for the blessings, they will not come. It is obedience that draws in the blessings. As long as that quality is absent, nothing else will compel blessings to come.
Another thing we learn from this Scripture is that all blessings have legs. Like human beings, they can crawl, creep, walk, run or fly. The vigor, strength or force which determines the speed of your blessings is dictated by the speedometer of your obedience to God’s Word. If God tells you to do something and you sluggishly do it, the blessings attached to that obedience will lack the zest to race to you; they will crawl. There are some believers who are always in a great hurry to obey God. The moment they hear God’s Word on an issue, they will immediately set out to make amends. They will not rest until they have obeyed fully. The blessings of such people will race down from Heaven.
Disobedience is evil. It is crueler than armed robbers. When you hear God’s Word but refuse to obey, although blessings are attached to that word, your disobedience will amputate the legs of your blessings. They will never leave God’s store house. When the angels discover that your blessings have no legs and are occupying the space meant for new blessings, you will be surcharged for as long as they remain, until they are transferred to others. The surcharge may manifest as destruction of former blessings, turning joy into sorrow, withdrawal of certain approval earlier given to you, etc. On the other hand, if you delight in the Lord, and do not let His word fall to the ground; if you obey His command in haste and ensure the highest quality of obedience, your blessings will pursue you and overtake you. This will be your portion from now.
MEMORIZE: DEUTERONOMY 28:2 –And all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you, if you shall hearken to the voice of the LORD your God.