Friday 28 February 2014


READ: GENESIS 32:24-30
There are two extremes a man can be. You can be a ‘Jacob’ or an ‘Israel’. In between the two are several steps that show to what extent you can tilt towards either end of the continuum. In Genesis 25:24-26, a twin was born –Esau and Jacob. While Esau means red and hairy, Jacob means supplanter, deceiver, fraudster. Right from the womb Jacob was already scheming to overtake his elder brother Esau. The day of birth revealed his unhealthy struggle. Psalm 51:5 says, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” The laws of sin and death had started to operate in everyone right from the womb. Everyone on earth began life as a Jacob. But we don’t have to die a Jacob!
What does the name Jacob represent? It represents everything that is associated with crime, cheating, deceiving, and lies. Anyone including so-called believers who still engage in any form of deception is operating at Jacob’s level. Jacob also signifies a raw state, naivety, and latentness. This means anyone who is yet to develop himself and tap the talents and abilities inside of him is operating at Jacob’s level. It also represents one who struggles to make progress solely by self effort or through worldly wisdom and any fraudulent means. If you remain in the mould of Jacob, you will not secure the promises. You cannot enter your promised land as a Jacob. God’s judgement awaits the Jacobs and they will reap their evil deeds.
In Genesis 32:24-30, 35:9-15, we read that Jacob’s name was changed to Israel. Israel means prince with God. Israel signifies the best you were created to be. Also, it represents you in your finished state. It connotes royalty, honour and dominion. It also means the unlimited, powerful you, operating in partnership with God. Israel means a new you. Jacob would have disappointed himself and unborn generations if he had not succeeded in bringing out the Israel in him. There is an Israel in you. There is a prince within you that is fighting to get out. Until you let him out, you cannot be your best. Until then, you will not be a man who can influence God and man. If you die with your Israel buried in you, you would have failed woefully. Your Israel must come out. You must be all God planned for you to be. For your change to come-from the Jacob to Israel mould-you have to give your life to Christ and wrestle in prayer daily asking for this change until it comes.
MEMORIZE: GENESIS 35:10 –And God said to him, Your name is Jacob: your name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be your name and He called his name Israel.