Sunday 22 June 2014


READ: 1 SAMUEL 18:6-9
The favour of God turns its recipient into a star that will shine for the Almighty God. A star means someone with an outstanding performance, someone who is far above average. Moses is such an example. He was an ordinary shepherd looking after Jethro’s flock with a rod. By the time the favour of God located him, his rod became the rod of God and wherever he went with it, he became a star.
Through favour, you can have the key to lock and unlock the heavens like Elijah. During the 1982 Congress held at Abeokuta, I made an altar call, then the rain began to fall. Those who were coming to give their lives to Jesus retreated so we thought of what to do. We simply applied the key that locks heaven with a decree and the rain stopped. And for the four days period of the Congress, there was no rain again. As a matter of fact, we were about to leave when some brethren came to remind me to release the rain. The power to open and lock up the heavens is a tremendous one. The Lord will put the key in your hands in Jesus name.
When the favour of God located Elisha, not long after, kings began to call this farmer’ boy ‘My father’. The favour of God will locate you today and cause your superiors to honour you in Jesus name. According to our reading, God’s favour located David and as he returned from killing Goliath, the women composed a song of victory saying that king Saul had killed his thousands while David has killed his ten thousands. God’s favour has suddenly made David a star and the talk of the nation. You too will become a star. Have you been unknown even in your community? The favour of God will bring you fame. It will bring you from your cocoon into limelight. You shall be celebrated. You shall discover your purpose of existence and fulfil it. Call on God for favour. Ask Him to surround you with His favour. Paralyze every anti-favour attack against you. Your head shall be above your peers. You are born to reign. And reign you will.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 30:5 –For His anger endures but a moment; in His favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.