Tuesday 3 June 2014


READ: JOHN 2:2-11
“To another, the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another diverse kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues” (1 Corinthians 12:10).
In today’s reading, at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Jesus turned water into wine. The wedding guests were thrilled; the chairman of that occasion could not believe his eyes. The servants who served the water to the chairman expected a rebuke but got a great commendation. They too could not believe their ears. Some think miracles belong to the past. If it were so, we would all have become history. We live today because miracles are still happening.
Every day, miracles take place. God still uses both natural and supernatural means to produce miracles. For example, everyday in oranges and grapes, water is being turned into wine. It is water that is absorbed by the fruits through the stem that becomes juice. One thing which hinders our ability to see miracles is too much material consciousness. Jesus is still turning water into wine. He is still in the miracle business. He will give you that needed miracle in Jesus name. if you hand over your water – substances, limitation, seed, etc. to Him, He will return wine to you. The choice is yours. As long as you keep your water, it will remain tasteless, colourless, odorless, and unattractive. But if you hand it over to Him; He will process it through heaven’s brewery and the result will be sweet, colourful and attractive and with a powerful aroma.
At this marriage feast, they ran out of wine. As soon as Mary intimated the Lord, He requested for water. Water is that thing you will always find. You may not have food but you will have water. He brewed it in the heavenly brewery in seconds. Your miracle will not take long to manifest. By the time the servants went to serve the water, it was still water. But by the time it got to the recipients, it had turned into wine. Another lesson here is that normally people served their best wine at parties. But when that is finished, they can manage any less preferred one. But the chairman could not help but observe that the heavenly wine made the best of earthly wine out of taste. If you are doing well in any area, wait until you hand over your water to the Lord. By the time the finished wine comes from heaven’s brewery, you will know that you have not seen anything.
MEMORIZE:  HEBREWS 13:8 –Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.