Friday 13 June 2014


READ: MATTHEW 26:47-54
The ground is also meek. To be meek is to have authority but show restraint in exercising it, especially as regards dealing with offenders. Meekness is misunderstood for weakness but is the reverse. It takes grace to be meek. If you offend or step on the toes of some leaders, all hell will break loose. How meek are you? There is a breed of Christians who are so ‘enemy conscious’ that they see enemies in everything. If they were standing and discussing with a friend and a lizard mistakenly passes by, they will rant, “They have come again! I said it. They are monitoring me everywhere I go.” They view everyone with suspicion. If you mistakenly say a wrong word, they will immediately return it to sender. Even in their church, they cannot trust anyone. They are so vengeful. That is Satan’s strategy of robbing them of the virtue of meekness.
“The meek will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way” (Psalm 25:9). If you want God to guide you daily and teach you His ways not necessarily His acts, shun vengeance. Some Christians cannot forgive a wrong done to them. Years later, it will appear ever fresh in their memory. Such people can forget asking God for guidance in marriage, job or other crucial areas. They cannot get guidance until they learn to forgive, release their offenders and become clothed in meekness. Immediately such a corrective action is taken, what they have been praying and fasting for over a long period will suddenly come.
To succeed, God needs to teach you not just what to do, but how to do it. In Luke 5:1-7, He told Peter when to launch out into the deep, and the specific side –the right hand side. And he came out successful. One reason Jesus could daily receive His Father’s guidance while on earth was because He could not be grudge anyone, not even those who crucified Him. He interceded for His killers. Earlier, before His arrest, He could have commanded a legion of angels to silence the soldiers, but meekness forbade Him. Meekness made Him give a miracle to His enemies. Where are the evidences of meekness in your life? Moses was very meek. Whenever the people he led rose up against him, he fell on his face as helpless before God whereas with one word He could have them destroyed. Ask God for grace to be meek.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 25-9 –The meek will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way.