Wednesday 4 June 2014


READ: 1 SAMUEL 17:12-21
Age has nothing to do with God’s call. He does not necessarily favour the oldest above the youngest. David was the youngest of Jesse’s eight sons, yet he was the one chosen to be king. Similarly, Moses the youngest of three was chosen as leader of Israel. Are you young? Are you the youngest? God is interested in you. According to 1 Samuel 3:1-4, God can call you at any time. God called Samuel when he was child. Spiritually too, you can be born again one day and God can call you that same day. I was not yet two years old in the Lord when I first heard God’s call. On the other hand, God can call you when you are old. Moses was at least 80 years old when God called him, which means that you might be preparing to retire when God will say He is about to begin with you.
Whenever God calls you, let your story be different. God called Abraham when he was 75. He had a close walk with God until he was over 100 years old. Methuselah on the other hand lived 969 years but all that was written concerning him was that he lived, had sons and daughters and died. This means he was old for nothing. May that not be your portion, in Jesus’ name. Jesus Christ was outstanding. He began His ministry at the age of 30 and in less than four years He went to the cross. Yet within that short period, His life, times and works affected humanity and positively altered the course of history. He is still affecting millions more.
It is not how long but how well. Recently, when a sister in her late 40s was about to die, the Lord showed a brother that a motherly figure in the kingdom was coming home and that her home call would cause deep grief. While the brother was wondering who it was and whether he should intercede or not, the following day, it was in the news. Her passing on affected both Christians and non-Christians as her few years in the ministry had impacted lives and particularly several homes. Imagine at that age, God call her a mother. How have you been serving? It is not necessarily the quantity but the quality. Can God call you a mother, father or a general in His army?
MEMORIZE: ISAIAH 6:8 –Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.