Wednesday 20 February 2013


READ: MARK 10:13-16
Children are very precious to God. He loves them very much. In Psalm 127:7 they are called “God’s heritage!” That means that even after God gives a couple a child, the child still remains God’s. Parents are only caretakers and guides to assist them in life. Children are innocent, simple, trusting, incapable of keeping malice (in every sense of the word) teachable and humble. God’s will is for all of them to be saved (Matthew 18:14).
Jesus invites all children to come to Him. He expressly warns us not to forbid them because they are the ones who constitute God’s Kingdom (Mark 10:14). Some parents have been in doubt as regards the status of children viz-a-viz entering heaven. Will my children make it to Heaven? Will they be raptured too? As a result of not having satisfactory answers, some Christian parents have restricted the spiritual growth of their children. For example, they may take them to church only on Sundays. The Lord frowns at this.
God’s plan of salvation covers the entire family. After a parent is born again, it is his or her duty to convert the spouse and the children to Christ. Why? God’s wants the whole family in Heaven. Do you know that Christian families will reunite and live together in heaven? Would you want to be in Heaven and miss your children in eternity? There will be lots of children in Heaven. Many children of Christian parents will make it at rapture. All those who died below the age of accountability will be there. Aborted babies cannot wait to meet with their parents who make it to heaven, to ask why they truncated God’s plan for their lives on earth. Anyhow, there will be a great reunion in Heaven.
I will be there with my family. What about you? To enhance the chances of their making it to Heaven, lead all your children to Christ. Do not say they are too young. A child of six can experience genuine salvation. Teach them to live in line with God’s will. Tell them of Heaven and what it takes to get in. You play your part and God will do the rest. Have you lost a young child at anytime? Strive to make it to heaven. You will meet that child waiting to welcome you.
MEMORIZE: MARK 10:14b –… Suffer the little children to come to Me, and forbid them not; for such is the Kingdom of God.