Monday 25 February 2013


READ: JOHN 15:9-10
While every Christian claims to follow the Lord, 2 Timothy 2:19 says, the Lord knows His own. This goes to show that what matters is not what you profess or claim about your relationship with God, but what God says about it. I pray that the Lord will count you among His own in Jesus name.
“These things I command you, that you love one another.” (John 15:17).
This verse reveals another important attribute of a disciple of Jesus Christ – the ability to love other Christians irrespective of their place of fellowship. Do you truly love your brethren? If you do, how come you are harbouring hatred, grudges and bitterness against fellow believers? How come you are fighting one another as enemies?
In John 13:34-35, Jesus says your love for the brethren should be made practical and visible to all unbelievers around you. It is true test of discipleship. 1 John 4:20-21 says if you find it difficult to love your fellow brother or sister, you automatically cannot love God. This means the extent to which you love Jesus is determined by the degree of love you have towards the brethren. The one who hates his brother is called a murderer and is headed for hell (1 John 3:15).
Why is it difficult for you to demonstrate the love of Jesus to members of your parish and other believers? You may say ‘nobody has visited me for long’ or ‘that brother hurt me so deeply that I cannot forget even though I have forgiven him’. The pointer showing that you have not forgiven him are: The fact that your heart still misses a beat each time you hear his name or meet him; your resolution never to have anything in common; the feeling of bitterness each time you recall the unpleasant incident and wishing him evil in your heart. If you must make Heaven, you must settle these squarely and begin to love again with the love of God. You have been commanded to love others. It is not optional.  
MEMORIZE: JOHN 15:17 –These things I command you, that you love one another.