Saturday 23 February 2013


READ: MATTHEW 18:21-35
There is no alternative to living the ideal Christians life if we must be all God has purposed for us to be, and if we must fulfil our God-given destiny. Trivialising God’s word has negative consequences that should make us take whatever He has said very seriously. One way many limit themselves today is through unforgiveness. Jesus commands us to forgive those who have offended us. He also taught it in parables and in the Lord’s Prayer. But the importance of His teaching has yet to dawn on many. They stay that until they experience the negative effects of disobedience. Any believer in Christ who thrives in unforgiveness is standing on dangerous ground.
From today’s reading, the king forgave his servant who owned him so much. That King is God. We could never have paid the debts of sin we owed expect with our lives and that would have landed us in hell. But one day we heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ which offered forgiveness, and we accepted it, and our old records were erased. From that moment, God imputed the righteousness of Christ unto us, making us look like those who never had a sinful past. But the Lord did not stop at that. He went on to make provision for us to be forgiven whenever we sin and confess them so that we can receive cleansing (1 John 1:7-9).
How much sin has your brother committed against you that make you refuse to forgive him? Today, unfortunately many are living in unforgiveness. Even leaders and ministers take vital decisions to the detriment of their offenders. Many families are stagnated because of unforgiveness. If you refuse to forgive how are you then like Christ. Do you still keep records of wrongs done to you in the black book of your mind? Some effects of unforgiveness are that it invokes God’s wrath, and makes God to hand you over to the tormentors. Is your life, business or family under heavy satanic attack? Check your life and reconcile with those you are still holding a grudge against. Besides, unforgiveness brings a harvest of evil deeds done to your offenders upon you (Matthew 18:30-34). It prevents you from benefiting from the cleansing power of the blood (1 John 1:7-9). It returns you to the state of an unbeliever and makes you a sure candidate of hell. Deliver yourself today.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 6:10 –But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.