Wednesday 13 February 2013


READ: JOHN 21:15-17
One of the attributes of a disciple is that he loves his master beyond all other things. In today’s reading, Jesus asked Peter a vital question: ‘Simon, son of Jonah, love you Me than these?’ He was trying to establish the place of Peter’s love for Him viz-a-viz the material things of life. Today, the Lord is asking you: Do you love Me more than your job, material and financial blessings? Is the love of God uppermost in your heart? How you define your love for the Master will determine the size of assignment He will give to you.
Some people follow Christ because of the physical blessings of healing, provision, deliverance and eternity in Heaven which He offers them. This is a measure of love. Only that a love that is tied to some materials cannot last. A man that marries a lady because of her beauty, by the time she goes through a situation that erodes that beauty e.g. a physical disability or sickness, that will put paid to his love for her. In the same vein, a woman who marries a man because he is rich; has a car or a good job, finds that the moment her husband loses those things, her love runs out. This is why many homes are broken today.
A particular brother married his wife who was a British citizen with the hope that he would be able to live in Britain someday. Several years later, this desire was not achieved and that stirred up several problems which culminated in divorce. If your love for Christ is hinged on what He can do for you, you are not sincerely in love with Him. This implies that the moment your request appears delayed or denied, your will love will run out and you will dump Him for Satan.
A disciple will love his master beyond material considerations. He will love him when things are good and when things are bad. He will love Jesus for who He is. How you love Jesus is a test of discipleship. He loves you unconditionally. He loved you when you were unlovable. How do you love Jesus today? Disciples of Jesus are on their way to Heaven. Are you His disciple?
MEMORIZE: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:14 –For the love of Christ constrains us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead.