Thursday 14 February 2013


READ: JAMES 5:7-11
In effective praying, there is a place for patience. Not all prayers are answered immediately. God sometimes gives you the answer before you ask. The bulk of our prayers however require patience. The more central the issue, the more we should be prepared to wait. If you cannot pay the price of waiting in faith until the answer comes, then do not bother to ask in the first place.
Between the time you make your request known to God and the time the answer comes is the period God expects patience from you. God is keenly interested in how you use this period of waiting. How you handle this and what you do during the period will go a long way in telling God the level of faith you operate, whether you are a use-God-and-dump believer or a genuine Christian, and to what level you have developed the fruit of the Spirit. The result of these will either culminate in God’s approval, release of blessing and the act being recorded in your account as righteousness or God’s disapproval and refusal.
“For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.” (Hebrews 10:36). The period of waiting differs from one person to another depending on the request and what God desires concerning the issue. Abraham asked God for a child when he was 75 years. God agreed to give him but he had to wait another 25 years for it fulfilment. Beyond that answer, his act of faith earned the title, ‘father of faith’. There is an added blessing that comes with waiting patiently on God. The longer the wait the bigger, better and more outstanding the blessing.
Have you been asking God for so long? Are you tired of waiting? Be encouraged. God is using the period of delay to prepare a package of blessing beyond your expectations. Spend your period of waiting in thanking God daily, pleasing God through evangelism and selfless service in God’s house, regular confession of faith and consistent Christian living. Your answer will come with lots of extras which are bigger than the actual request.
MEMORIZE: HEBREWS 10:36 –For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.