Monday 4 February 2013


READ: LUKE 7:11-15
I have discovered that refusal to restitute one’s evil way can hinder one’s healing. A particular brother suffered from persistent sweating which led to constant terrible body odour. He tried the doctors but they could not help him. One day, he came to us for prayers but the Lord stopped us from praying for him saying that he had a restitution to make.
The brother was once a primary school teacher. Before he gained admission into the university, he stole the contribution of his primary school students amounting to 27 kobo (Nigerian currency). So I asked him to return 10 kobo for every kobo. He did so and returned to us for prayers. God asked me to tell him to stop drinking iced-water for a period.
He obeyed and that was the end of his problem.
At another time, a man came to me disturbed by a strange illness. This illness could not allow him eat most staple foods like rice, yam, plantain, etc. When we were about to pray, the Lord revealed that he had a pending restitution to make.
When he was in the primary school several years before, his father stole another man’s bicycle to pay his school fees. I asked him to go and buy a new bicycle for the child of the man whose bicycle was stolen. He obeyed and I prayed for him. Immediately, we ate rice together and the strange illness disappeared.
Today, many people are suffering from certain known and unknown ailments which only repentance and restitution can cure. No amount of prayer and fasting can solve it. Search yourself. Is your problem caused by lack of restitution? Make necessary amends now.
MEMORIZE: HEBREWS 12:13 –And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.