Saturday 2 February 2013


READ: LUKE 7:11-15
A widow’s only son passed on, leaving his mother in great sorrow. The relatives and neighbours sympathized with her but none could bring him back from the dead. Finally, the day of burial came. They went in a large company towards the gate of the city of Nain. But just before they buried him, Jesus showed up and raised their dead to life.
One evening, the disciples were alone at sea. The wind worked against them and kept pushing them back and forth. They were afraid the ship would capsize. But before the ship did that, Jesus showed up and brought them safety to the shore (Matthew 14:22-23).
The three Hebrew children were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to bow to Nebuchadnezzar’s image. Before they landed in the fire, Jesus showed up. Daniel was sentenced to death by throwing him into the lions’ den. Before the lions could even think of pouncing on him, Jesus showed up and rescued him.
Are you going through some trying situations? Are you losing hope for a change? Before things get out of hand the Lord will show up. Before your business goes under, the Lord will show up. When Jesus shows up in a situation, everything must change. Sorrow automatically becomes joy. Weeping becomes celebration and sickness turns into healing. Have you been weeping? Your weeping has just ended and your joy and celebration have just begun. Call on Him in faith today. Unburden your heart to Him for He cares for you. He knows what you are passing through. He will show up.  
It does not matter how bad the situation is, or how many people have tried without success. Call on the Lord today and He will cause all things to work for you. If He can show up to help others, He will show up to help you. Your Helper is near.
MEMORIZE: PROVERBS 11:8 –The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes in his stead.