Wednesday 6 February 2013


READ: 1 SAMUEL 2:1-10
Do you know God can give you your heart’s desires? He wants to grant you your requests as long as they are legitimate and do not violate His word and will for you. He wants to give you even more than you can ask. The only problem is: do you understand God to the point of knowing how to get what you want from Him?
In our reading, we see Hannah a dedicated child of God who had a problem with barrenness. After some years, her husband married another woman who had some children but thereafter she began to taunt Hannah because of her predicament. Are your colleagues a work using your weakness or deficiency to their advantage? Are people making you a laughing stock because you have chosen to follow God’s way of success, progress and prosperity? Rejoice! The table will turn soon!
One day, Hannah saw the need for a genuine priest in God’s house and made a vow to loan the son the Lord will give her to fill up the vacuum. And God Samuel gave to her. She promptly took Samuel to God’s house, and forever loaned him to the Lord (1 Samuel 1:24-28). Anyone who loans to God can never be in debt! In Luke 5:1-11, Peter loaned his boat to the Lord for just a few hours and that provoked a great catch of fish that almost sank the boat. Mary loaned her womb for the Saviour of the world to be born. The aftermath was additional four boys and at least two girls (Matthew 13:55-56). You too can loan God your time, money, assets, talent, body, etc and enter into abundance.
Hannah did not stop there. Even as she returned Samuel to God in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, she began to thank and praise God for giving her a son. She kept thanking God profusely and continuously year, after year until she touched God’s heart. She got more than she bargained for: five more children (1 Samuel 2:18:21). Has God done anything for you? If you can thank Him regularly, whole heartedly and praise Him for that blessing, you too can open the door to abundance – for pending expectations to be met. Do you know that Hannah over took Peninnah and had more children than her and shut her mouth up forever? (1 Samuel 2:5). You will overtake those before you if you know how to magnify God for what He has done for you.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 119:7 –I will praise You with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned Your righteous judgments.