Monday 7 July 2014


READ: 1 JOHN 2:15-17
If you desire the gift of working of miracles, you must possess three important traits. The presence of gift in your life implies that you are working hand in hand with God. Anyone who has this gift automatically becomes Satan’s arch-enemy because like Jesus, such a fellow will go to satanic prisons and release the captives, reverse all Satan has done, and disgrace the enemies in their headquarters. It takes spiritual guts to do so. Hence to receive the gift of working of miracles you must be bold and fearless. The gift makes you confront the kingdom of darkness all by yourself and this takes more than physical boldness. You need divine boldness that comes from a life of hominess (Proverbs 28:1). Holiness is a very powerful virtue. It emboldens the weak but sin robs one of courage while bringing fear.
Another trait a seeker of this gift must possess is readiness to completely surrender to God. If you are heavily attached to the things of the world, you cannot have this gift. The presence of lust of the flesh, eyes, and pride of life will hinder the operation of this gift (1 John 2:15-17). The love of God and the love of the world are two parallel lines that can never meet. You cannot lust after the opposite sex and still cast out demons of lust. Similarly, if you love money and God gives you this gift, you will commercialize what God meant for free. Have you desired this gift and prayed and fasted for long without having it? Check your love for the world. Drop the things of the world so that you can grab this glorious gift. Also, if you are carnal (worldly) but have this gift, you will not only rob God of His glory, but also become the ‘god’ beneficiaries of the gift will worship. Thirdly, you must be totally dedicated to God and His cause; you cannot fight a little and run away. You must be prepared to fight to finish. Are you ready for this glorious gift? It is one gift that will take you from nowhere to somewhere; from obscurity to limelight. It will bring you honour. It is a gift you must have. God made it especially for you. But do you meet His requirements?
MEMORIZE: 1 JOHN 2:15 –Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.