Friday 4 July 2014


READ: 1 SAMUEL 15:1, 11-14
One condition many who have been anointed of God are suffering today is rejection. It is terrible for the One who chose and ordained you to turn His back on you. May the Lord never reject you in Jesus name. In 1 Samuel 15:1, 11-14, the Lord said king Saul has stopped following Him and had continued to select which parts of God’s commands he would obey and the ones he would ignore. Then God regretted making him king over His people. In chapter 16:1, God said He had rejected him from being king. Yet for several years, he continued to occupy that position. Everywhere he went, his ignorant subjects still referred to him as, “Your majesty.” But as far as God was concerned the moment He rejected him, David had been anointed to take over. From then, the Lord began to lay the burden of His people on young David. The anointing to operate as king was taken from Saul and given to David. Before long David came into limelight, defeated Goliath; killed 10 times as many Philistines than Saul and stood a champion. He had become Israel’s unofficial but heaven-approved leader!
As leaders we must be very careful with God. The presence of the Ark of the Covenant could not guarantee victory for Israel because their head had been rejected. On our altars today, several pastors and church leaders are there who like king Saul, have been rejected by the One who called them. Some workers have been decommissioned by God because they have persistently grieved His heart. In 1 Samuel 4:11-22, while Eli remained and was accorded the honour as the high priest, only young Samuel knew that the glory had departed from him.
If God has rejected an individual, such a fellow maintains his or her office only as a rubber stamp leader. He would have a form of godliness but lack power. He will be totally empty of God. The longer he stays, the longer those under him are unduly exposed to torture, satanic attacks, failure and shame. If God has rejected you, you have no business handling the things of God. Those people who have been rejected and know it, but instead of resigning or going for early retirement, sit tight for fear of shame, will experience disgrace at the end. A pastor, who lives in sin, has no business with the altar. Take a leave and go and settle with God first. Do not bring unnecessary judgement on yourself. Or do you not fear God? May God not reject you. Check your life today. Have you been grieving the Spirit over a particular matter? Yield to Him now.
MEMORIZE: 2 TIMOTHY 3:5 –Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof; from such turn away.