Saturday 26 July 2014


READ: 1 SAMUEL 2:7-8
Do you want to prosper? Some people stand in front of the door of prosperity but they remain poor for want of appropriate key with which to open the door. You require more than a key to unlock the door of prosperity. We shall examine 12 keys to prosperity. The first key is that God is sovereign. He does as He pleases (Psalm 115:3). Silver and gold are His (Haggai 2:8). This means the rich man is only holding the money until God decides what to do with it. According to 1 Samuel 2:7-8, God has the choice to decide on who to prosper. He will decide in your favour today in Jesus name. There are some people God decided to prosper but they decided otherwise. Today, such people are still residing in poverty. You are coming out of poverty today in Jesus name.
I had a friend in 1956. Both of us were poorer than church rats. Thank God the church is now a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In those days, our ears were ever alert to pick the drum beats of obituary parties anywhere so that we could attend and get some food there. Returning from school one day, I saw my friend almost mad with joy. He went as a labourer for a day’s job and as he was digging the ground, he suddenly heard a strange sound. He was curious so he dug a little further and struck a big pot filled with gold coins that somebody must have buried and forgotten there years ago.
He looked around and there was nobody so he carefully buried it again. He came home, got a sack and returned to his gold mine and loaded it before returning home. On visiting the goldsmith, each gold coin was highly priced. The boy was about 14 years old the. That was how poverty ended in his life. God still picks beggars from the dunghill to set them among princes because He still visits dunghills. Are you in a dung hill and wondering if God will ever pay you a visit there? He says, Yes. He will visit you in your dunghill and that at the end of that visit, you will be found among princes. Just realize that He is sovereign and can decide who next to visit. Whose turn is next?
MEMORIZE: HAGGAI 2:8 –The silver is mine, and the gold is mine says the LORD of hosts.