Tuesday 16 April 2013


READ: MATTHEW 22:15-22
Another way of identifying Satan’s voice is that it depicts the way of righteousness, as a foolish or inadequate thing. In the Garden of Eden, Satan told Eve, ‘It is when you eat the fruit that your eyes will be opened.’ In other words her eyes were currently blind even though she and her husband were the ones ruling the whole world. Satan came to a sister with a very beautiful voice. She was in the choir and her ministrations blessed many. He told her she was wasting away: With this angelic voice of yours which the church does not even pay you for, you can have fame, wealth and all your desires in the ball rooms.
She rebuked the voice but it persisted. She rebuked it again but it repeated itself until the sister decided to give it a serious thought. Before she knew it, she’d backslid and was on her way to hell. Has somebody told you that you are a villager or unsociable lady because at your age you have not slept with any man? That is the voice of the devil. Has somebody told you that with your kind of beauty you should not be where you are now but can actually get anything from anyone and get to wherever you desire? That is the voice of the devil. Has somebody told you that by virtue of your official position you can amass so much wealth that you will never be broke again? That is the devil.
Besides, the devil sometimes uses the Bible to back his claim or request. He quoted Scripture to Jesus and asked Him to jump from a height; afterall, God has promised to send His angels to protect Him. Whenever Satan does this, the Scripture is misapplied. It is twisted to seem applicable to that very context. If a voice tells you to give the biggest donation so that they can announce your name as the largest donor, arguing that after all Luke 6:38 says, ‘Give and it shall be given to you.’ That voice is of the devil.
Satan told a man that considering the fact that God can repeat miracles, he should go into the lion’s den and God will shut the mouths of the lions as He did in Daniel 6:16-23 and he will gain fame as the modern day Daniel. He obeyed but did not live to tell the rest of the story. If you hear a voice telling you to jump from a moving vehicle or to enter into fire or to plunge into the sea because God has promised to protect you, reject it. It is of the devil. Jesus says you shall not tempt the Lord your God.
MEMORIZE: MATTHEW 4:7 –Jesus said to him, it is written again, you shall not tempt the Lord your God.