Monday 8 April 2013


In 1 Samuel 21:10-15, while king Saul pursued David, the latter ran to Samuel thinking that he would be safe there. But because Saul had become insane, he had no regard for men of God, especially Samuel through whom he was ordained a king in Israel. When David realised this, he kept running until he got into the enemy’s camp. Are you like Saul today? Some brothers walk up to their pastor and begin to rub shoulders with him, flout his orders and tell him, ‘Afterall, I am now a deacon like you,’ even though it was this same pastor that recommended them for ordination. Such men are being propelled by the same spirit of insanity that was in Saul. It is also a spirit of pride. A spirit that makes you humiliate the one God has exalted is a spirit of destruction. That is the spirit of insanity in Saul. Is such a spirit operating in your life? That path leads to destruction but if you do not want to end up like Saul, repent and go back to your leader and restitute.
David ran to his enemies for help and left in disgrace. Isaiah 30:1-3 warns against going down to Egypt and putting your trust in the strength of Pharaoh because the end will be shame, confusion and sorrow. Whatever the problem you face, never consider going back to the world. If you do, you will find that the enemies you have dealt with will be waiting to have their pound of flesh. This is one reason Satan will lure you with very beautiful and mouth-watering alternatives. He is very bitter that since you came to Christ you have devastated his kingdom through prayers and set several captives of sickness, poverty, and sin free. You set several of their equipment and plans on fire of the Holy Spirit. So he will try to lure you away from Christ so that they can destroy you. Never accept the devil’s offer, no matter how attractive.
Adam and Eve thought they were being given just a fruit. They took it and ate and died spiritually, lost their ‘godship’ of the world to Satan, were driven away from Eden where they would never have seen suffering. Besides, they lived as slaves for the rest of their lives. You cannot determine the full consequences of returning to the world. God forbid you go back to your vomit!
MEMORIZE: ISAIAH 30:2 –That walk to go down into Egypt, and have not asked at my mouth; to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to trust in the shadow of Egypt!