Wednesday 12 June 2013


READ: 1 SAUEL 22:6-10
David, on God’s instruction, left Adullam where he had been hiding. Some people saw him and reported to king Saul who subjected his army to serious interrogation. He appealed to their emotions, as well as to their crave for material possessions. Then Doeg who thought his long awaited opportunity to become great had finally arrived, jumped at it and began to talk. He even went to the extent of answering unasked questions.
Just as king Saul dangled a carrot before his army, so also will Satan. He will ask you from time to time, ‘what have you gained since you became a Christian?’ He calculates such ‘gains’ in material and financial terms. By his question, he is asking how much money you have made since you became born again? He will make you to concentrate on areas he has attacked. He will make you to calculate what you have lost after discarding illegal means of making money. Satan succeeded in convincing some to return to him. For instance, Judas Iscariot who once cast out demons, Demas, an Apostle and Paul’s companion in soul-wining, Ananias and Sapphira also.
Satan may ask you the same question in another way: What progress have you made since you became born again? Whenever he asks such questions, begin to focus on the spiritual changes you have experienced. Move from there to other areas. Tell him you that were heading for hell are now heading for heaven. You, who were once a smoker, drunkard, fornicator etc. are now free. You, who once lived in fear and were manipulated by witches and agents of darkness, are now a terror to them. You, who never heard from God before can now hear distinctively from Him. You can pray and have your prayer answered.
Tell him according to 3 John 2, as long as you are making progress spiritually, all other aspects of your life must automatically progress too. Tell him you are prepared to wait for God time. Before you finish, you would have been full of appreciation and thanksgiving unto God and Satan will be nowhere to be found. If he comes again, repeat the process and you will wear him out.
MEMORIZE: EPHESIANS 1:11 –In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who works all things after the counsel of His own will.