Thursday 6 June 2013


READ: LUKE 4:25-26
God is the sovereign Lord who can do whatever He pleases and whenever He pleases without being questioned. According to Romans 9:14-16, He told Moses He will not be accountable to anyone for deciding to show mercy or compassion to the person of His choice. In today’s reading, He singled out the widow of Zarephath for mercy. The Lord will single you out of the crowd for a miracle in Jesus name. that you are alive today is an evidence of God’s mercy. The Lord has chosen to favour you this year, and there is nothing the devil can do about it.
In 1 Kings 17:1-7, the brook where Elijah was drawing sustenance from dried up. Was this a blessing or a curse? It was a blessing. Until the brook dried up, Elijah daily fellowshipped with birds. He lived away from civilization. He lived on limited provisions. He could not afford beyond two meals per day. But when the brook dried up, another door opened. He moved from silence to saying, ‘Thus said the Lord.’
Has your brook dried up? Why are you crying? It is your promotion that has just arrived. When your brook dries up and it looks like everything around you has dried up, that means you are about to move to a better place. A certain minister who was attending a Bible school attended a ministers’ seminar where they were taught to reproduce themselves in others. The instructor said, train up somebody else to effectively occupy your present position. So somebody asked, if I train up somebody to take over my job, then where would I be? To this the instructor replied, ‘When you have succeeded in raising your replacement you will become irrelevant and God would find something greater for you to do.’
The brother took up that revelation and trained somebody to replace him as head of Sunday school. He also raised another person to replace him as house fellowship co-ordinator. His new parish pastor, who saw him as a threat, jumped at this and left him redundant. The brother was already wondering how long he would undergo this humiliation and redundancy when one Sunday morning, their senior pastor visited and he was taken to head an already established parish. Has your brook dried up? Thank God and look up patiently to Him. You will soon find yourself on a higher level.
MEMORIZE: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:9 –For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.