Sunday 16 June 2013


READ: 1 PETER 2:1-6
“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him.” (Psalms 34:8)
The sweetness or otherwise of a meal is revealed by taste. It is commonly said that the taste of the pudding is in the eating. I disagree with this slightly. You do not have to eat a meal before knowing its taste. You can take a table spoonful of pudding to know whether it is well prepared or not and whether it is tasty or not. But to fully benefit from the meal, that is to receive the vitamins, minerals and nutriments contained in it, you will have to eat and digest it. If you only taste with the spoon, rather than be satisfied, your hunger pangs will increase.
There are Tasting Christians and Eating Christians. Tasting Christians do not have time for the rich contents in God’s word as well as well as in their relationship with Him. Tasting Christians are surface Christians who lack depth. They can barely find time to scan the pages of the Bible. At best, they read it like any other novel and are limited to the understanding generated by literacy interpretations which Jesus says has the ability to kill. Tasting Christians are in a hurry to get results and answers from God over a problem. One reason they remain surface Christians is because as they are tasting God; they have alternatives which they hope to fall back on should the Lord fail them. Are you a tasting Christian?
The other group is made up of Eating Christians. These have moved from just trying out whether God is good to the level of settling. According to John 15:4-10; they have built a tent in God and have refused to be moved. Their interest for fellowship with God goes beyond peripheral and mundane considerations. Even when they are so busy, they would still create time to study God’s word and praise and worship Him and make Him happy. According to 1 Peter 2:2-3 the evidence that you have gone beyond tasting the sweetness of God is that you will desire His word to enable you grow in Him. Eating Christians want to encounter the Spirit behind the letter of the Bible which gives life. I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good. But beyond this I crave every day to know Him more. I will not be satisfied until I meet my Daddy in Heaven. Move today from just tasting to eating.
MEMORIZE: PSALMS 34:8 –O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him.