Saturday 13 July 2013


When you receive Jesus into your life, you become born of the spirit. Your name is written in heaven’s Book of life and an account is opened in your name in the bank of Heaven. Like earthly bank accounts, you can lodge credits into this heavenly account. You can also withdraw from it. What you have in you account will determine several thing about you. How can you grow your account? According to 1 Peter 1:3-4, you have an inheritance that is reserved for you in your account. That is a fixed deposit for every believer. Apart from this, whatever credit that is put into your account must be earned.
One thing we learn from the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21, is that it is possible to be rich before God. The wealth that is most important is the one you have in your Heavenly account because it is safe and enduring. To grow your heavenly account, there are highly rewarding activities that is investment – you will go into that will put in some millions of Heavily dollars into your account. One such investments is winning souls. This is why Proverbs 11:30 calls soul winners wise people. They are the wisest investors. The more you win, the greater your reward. And this is also why soul winners will excel all other classes of believers in all eternity (Daniel 12:2-3). To earn this great reward, you will not stop at winning the soul to Christ. If you convert backslides, you will lose your reward. A wise earthly investor would not invest a million dollar in a business and leave it to run itself without regularly supervising and managing it to fruitfulness. It is only the souls you have won to Christ that make it to Heaven at last that you will be tremendously rewarded for hence Jesus commands you to ensure effective follow-up of your converts (John 15:16).
Have you won any soul to the Lord? Are your converts still standing for Christ ? do you know you can become one of the kings to seat on the throne with Jesus through winning of souls? You have been destined for greatness not only on earth but also in eternity. Why not reorder your priorities today and set fresh evangelism goals for yoursel in order to load up your heavenly account? The choice is yours. You are not too old to win souls to Christ. Moses started his ministry at 80. Go for souls and enter into true and lasting greatness.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 40:8 –I delight to do Your will, O my God: yea, Your law is within my heart.