Thursday 4 July 2013


Philosophers have battled with some questions for a long time and they are yet to get answers. One of such questions is, Which comes first, the hen or the egg? It sounds humourous. Some of these learned people trivialise it while others take it very seriously. I read of a professor who was so concerned about having the answer that he went to a restaurant one day and placed orders for a chicken salad and an egg salad. To him, whichever one arrived first will determine his answer to that nagging question. The Scriptures however give us clue to this.
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God” (John 1:1).
From this verse, it is evident that the scientists are attempting to address the issue from a wrong perspective. The issue is not ‘which came first’ but ‘who came first.’ The word is the one who came first. Although the scientists may find it difficult to believe the existence of something they cannot see, touch or feel, yet He exits. Jesus Christ is the word and He is the creator of all things. The theory of evolution says that certain things evolved from one form to another until it became a monkey and from that it became man. I know certainly that my father was neither a monkey nor a descendant of the ancestors of monkeys.
Colossians 1:16 says all things were created by Him and for Him. Jesus Christ created all the things both visible and invisible. He created all the demonic powers and principalities. When He made them, they were good until they rebelled against Him and became what they are today. You were created for Him. To what extent have you allowed Him to control your life? Whatever He created, He can also manipulate. Whatever He creates must bow to Him. Anyone who rebels against Him today will still stand before Him in judgement in the after life. Those who reject Him today will eventually acknowledge Him. They will want to receive Him as Lord but then it will be too late. Why not receive Him as your friend today? Why not submit to His Lordship? If you do, He can cause everything He has made to submit to you. Both visible and invisible. Be wise today and accept the true Lord of the universe.
MEMORIZE: JOHN 1:1 –In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.