Sunday 13 October 2013


“To him who alone does great wonders: for His mercy endures forever” (Psalm 136:4). We serve a miracle-working God. Several situations we face are beyond our human strength, wisdom and resources. This is why we should be glad to have God as our God and Father. He specializes in doing the impossible. Is there any impossible situation facing you now? The Almighty God whose name is Wonderful will turn things around for your good. But why do we need signs, wonders and miracles? To live without them is to operate only at average level. God does not want anything that is lukewarm. According to Revelation 3:15-16, if you want to be hot for the Lord, be steaming hot. But if you want to be cold, it is better you are freezing cold. It is dangerous to be average.
If you aim at achieving average, you don’t need miracles, signs and wonders. But if you have decided to be outstanding or to fulfil your God-given destiny, then the Lord will give you miracles, signs and wonders. What do we mean by average? It may surprise you that a rich man is an average man. When you look at the entire spectrum of wealth, you will find various compartments. At the bottom of the ladder you will find the poor. He is somebody who cannot make ends meet. He is like the widow with her last meal. After that meal, she was to expect death. This class includes the jobless.
The comfortable comes next. This refers to the one who makes ends meet but has no savings. At the slightest emergency, he is reduced to the level of the poor. Before the month ends, he has gone a borrowing. The third category is that of the rich. Those in this group have their needs met with additional luxury. They may have a million naira in their account. The problem with those in this class is that they brag about as if they have arrived, whereas, a million naira when converted to pound sterling is just about few thousand pounds. The next category is the class of the wealthy. These are so rich that they can afford to put some millions in fixed deposits for, at least, six months. At the upper extreme is the class of the flourishing. These are so rich that they lend to nations. God wants to take you to the level of the flourishing. But you must determine never to be average any more.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 92:12 –The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow like cedar in Lebanon.