Wednesday 30 October 2013


“For promotion comes neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: He puts down one, and sets up another” (Psalm 75:6-7).
Never despise a child. Do not despise your subordinates either. You cannot tell what they will become. Worst still, never look down on yourself. Some Christians do not believe they can ever amount to anything in life. This is very wrong because tomorrow is in God’s hands and your promotion too. The God we serve can turn a mustard seed into a mighty tree. If you can stay close enough to God, He will promote you again and again. If God is the One to promote you, there is great assurance that your tomorrow will be alright.
“Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end should greatly increase” (Job 8:7).
Have you started something for the Lord? Your increase will come. Do you wait until you have enough to start big? Stop waiting. Start with that little capital outlay. Start with the little knowledge you have of God. Start with the little way you know to pray. The increase will come. Before you realize it, it will become big. Do not be afraid to use the limited resources you have. The Lord will breathe upon your two loaves of bread and five fishes to take care of that great need. He is ever faithful.
God is the only One who knows your tomorrow. To all His children, He says, ‘Your tomorrow will be alright.’ Are you a child of God? John 1:11-12 says He will release His power into you. Do you have power to live above sin? Have you become a new creature with the evidence of your sinful life-style becoming a thing of the past? (2 Corinthians 5:17). If you are not sure of your salvation, repent and give your life to Jesus today. Confess your sins to Him, and ask for forgiveness. Thereafter receive Jesus into your heart as Lord and Saviour. With these steps, you are well on your way to greatness. According to Romans 8:16-17, you will inherit silver, gold, health, joy and victory in Jesus Christ.
MEMORIZE: JOB 8:7 –Though your beginning was small, yet your latter end should greatly increase.