Saturday 26 October 2013


READ: JOHN 15:18-19
The fact that Jezebel resolved to kill Elijah shows that he was noted in hell. Satan cannot ignore those who destroy his evil plans and schemes. He searches for their lives. If Satan ignores you; then you are in trouble. If Satan does not trouble or attack you anymore, it certainly reveals certain unsavoury things about you.
It shows that you could have compromised and now is on the same side with him. It means God is no more interested in you. It means God no longer loves you because Satan will hate all those that God loves. It also means that he already has you in his pocket or cage: Why should he struggle with his prisoner? When last were you a victim of unprovoked assault? When last were you persecuted for your faith in Christ? When last did you suffer attacks from the kingdom of darkness?
“But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree, and he requested himself that he might die, and said, it is enough now, Oh LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19:4).
Elijah was discouraged to the point of asking God to kill him. If he really meant to die, he would have waited for Jezebel to fulfill her threat. God is no murderer but Satan is (John 10:10). Some people run from Satan and their enemies who want to kill them and they come to surrender their lives to Christ in church. After some time, they meet with some problems; they begin to roll on the floor of the church, asking God to take their lives. They are as insincere as Elijah here. God is not a killer.
Some lessons we learn here are that there is no spiritual height that can exempt you from the arrow of discouragement. If Elijah can be discouraged, any other man of God can. You only have to stand and resist the arrows of discouragement, or else you will fall victim. Secondly, that you are down does not mean you are out; that you failed in those attempts does not mean you will never make it. Try again. Rise from your fall. Also, never believe any report that contradicts God’s word, no matter the source. The devil may bark but the Holy Spirit will not allow him to bite you.
MEMORIZE: ACTS 4:29 –And now, Lord, behold their threatening: and grant to Your servants, that with all boldness they may speak Your word.