Friday 25 October 2013


READ: 2 KINGS 2:5-7
After I became born again, I realized I had a long way to go. I observed that market women were taking giant strides in spiritual matters while I did not know my right hand from my left. This created a deep hunger in me and I took the challenge to excel spiritually. I devoted a lot of time to praying, fasting, and evangelizing and activities that would make me grow spiritually. Not long after, some believers started cautioning me, saying, ‘Take it easy.’ Even if you don’t, you will soon cool down. We have been in the race long before you. The palm frond that grows with the intention of reaching the sky should remember that other palm fronds have not succeeded in reaching that height?
I refused to fall into their spiritual death trap, resolving never to grow cold, God helping me. Their statement provoked in me a new resolve to be hungrier for the Lord each new day. The Lord has faithfully sustained me since then.
If you must stand out, you must be prepared to turn deaf ears to any satanic voice that will quench the fire in you. That satanic plan is channeled through those who are close to you. Satan can even discourage you through a carnal-minded and spiritually insensitive leader like Eli (1 Samuel 1:12-16). Another common feature in average people is that they are lazy, envious and slothful. Where do you stand? Do you kill people’s visions or dream or do you help them realize it? Do you suppress those who are gifted, probably gifted than you, because they are under you? If you do so, it is another case of king Saul versus David. Remember, David will always prevail no matter the efforts of king Saul.
According to our reading, average people always sit on the fence. Like the fifty sons of the prophets, they will keep a distance and watch. When they come to the church, they are happy to sit on clean pew without bothering how to be involved in doing it. As ministers under a pastor, rather than support their leader, they will say, ‘Let us see how he will execute the project.’ Lastly, average people always give excuse in order not to be involved in a given project. They will say, ‘Take it easy, they are giants on the land. Do not go far! If you are in the class of average people, come out now.
MEMORIZE: 2 KINGS 2:7 –And fifty men of the sons of the prophets went and stood to view afar off; and they two stood by Jordan.