Thursday 17 October 2013


READ: MARK 16:17-20
Just as wealth has several levels, so also does health. People go about parading themselves as healthy people without taking a broad view of health. At the bottom end you have the sick, with one ailment or the other. They may even be hospitalized or deprived of their normal duties as a result of ill health. The next level is that of the healthy. These are relatively free from sickness. But once in a while they fall sick. They spend far less on medication than the sick. At the very top are the divinely healthy. This class lives without sickness. But beyond this, the healing virtue flows in them so that if they touch the sick, they also receive healing and good health. If you say you are healthy, you are only on the average. God wants you to operate on the level of the divinely healthy to the point where if the sick accidentally have body contact with you, they would be healed. God intends that through your shadow, the sick can be healed. Those in this class do not spend a dime on personal medication. Elisha, Peter and some others operated on this level. You too can.
The continuum of wisdom is another that offers several compartments. At the bottom, you have the dunce (outright foolish or unintelligent people.) In the middle, you have the intelligent ones. At the top, are the brilliant people. In 2 Chronicles 1:6-12, Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings to God. Initially, I thought he was a dummy to have done this. But it took me some study of this passage to realize he was very brilliant to have done what he did.
An ordinary person gives ordinary offering. Solomon’s unusual gift speaks volume. It shows he had discovered the power of the law of harvest. He knew that whatever you give to God will return a hundred fold. So he decided to give what nobody else had given before. You can never out give God. By the time Solomon’s harvest come, it was simply incredible: for thousands of years, his wisdom remains a reference point. You too can decide not to be average in your giving, service and commitment to God. There is a sacrifice you will make that will rewrite your history. Do it today.
MEMORIZE: 3 JOHN 2 –Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.