Saturday 25 May 2013


Of all levels of development in preparing children for a greater tomorrow, the spiritual is most important. 3 John 2 and Matthew 6:33 emphasize that spiritual development is the bedrock for development in all the areas. According to Jeremiah 1:5, God’s plan for our children started even before they were conceived in the womb. Some parents wait until their babies are born before they start praying for them. This is wrong because Exodus 23:26 tells us that Satan has a mission to kill unborn babies right in their mother’s wombs through miscarriages, abortions, untimely birth, hence we need to stand on God’s promise. Every move of Satan against your unborn babies is destroyed today in Jesus name.
Prophesy upon your babies right in the womb. You can begin to sharpen their destiny from there (Luke 1:42). Lay hands on them and pray with them from time to time. After birth, continue to pray for them. It is what you pray for your children and prophesy on them that will eventually happen to them. If you do not pray or prophesy good things upon them, you automatically create a vacuum for witches and evil people to fill. They will gladly use spells and incantations on such children, and they will come to pass. Every evil spell, charm and incantation pronounced on your children shall come to nothing.
After the baby Jesus was circumcised and dedicated to the Lord in Luke 1:21-35, Simeon came and prophesied on Him. His words came to pass. David prayed for and prophesied on his son, Solomon in Psalm 72. He said Solomon will judge the Israelites with righteousness and it came to pass. He said he will have extended dominion and it was so. He prophesied peace and total dominion over enemies and it was so. He said kings, including the Queen of Sheba, will bring gift to him and it was so. He prophesied that the city will flourish in his days, and it was so. There is no limit to the amount of goodness you can accumulate for your children’s future. The question is, how much do you invest in praying and prophesying on your children? Believe it or not, their future depends on it.
Apart from praying, you should lead your child to Christ. Do not say he is too young. Some five year olds are already doing wonders for Satan because he initiated them right from the womb. Your six years old can be genuinely born again. Lead all your children to Christ. If all other investments are in place and this is excluded, it makes rubbish of them. God desires that you and every member of your family will end up in Heaven. Do your best.
MEMORIZE: 2 TIMOTHY 3:15 –And that from a child you have known the holy Scriptures which are able to make the wise to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.