Monday 31 January 2011


READ: MARK 9:43-48
A brother shares his real life experience. ‘It was during the Nigerian Civil War of the late sixties. The Federal troops came to different places recruiting able-bodied men into the Nigerian Army. They came to my region too and I was interested and willingly signed up. I was put in charge of the weapons. This confined me to the office but I was not satisfied. I desired to go to the battle field to experience war first hand. So I begged my superior officer to let me take up arms to fight for Nigeria. When he could no longer stand my pleas, he gave in.
I jumped up for joy, kitted and marched fearlessly into the battle front. During the exchange of fire, I was badly hit. Before I knew it, I was bleeding and not long after, I began to lose consciousness. My life was gradually leaving me. Some soldiers came near to offer some help. It was of no use as, soon after, I blanked out. A door opened in front of me. I passed through and it shut. I found myself in a very thick darkness that can be felt. It was then it occurred to me I had just died. As I looked ahead, I saw a tiny light some distance away so I struggled through the physical darkness to reach the spot. The light was at the middle of two pathways – one to the left and the other to the right.
As I stood thinking of which way to take, I heard a voice say, “Son, where are you coming from?” I unconsciously replied, ‘I just passed through the earth.’ Then the voice said, “What did you do there?” Immediately like a tape recorder, my mouth began to relay all I did from birth till death. I tried to refrain myself or hide some hideous things I did but my tongue did not cooperate. Then I started weeping as I saw how evil I was.
After this, a big book appeared before me which contained everything I had done. Surprisingly, I read it all even though back in the world I was not educated. Then I heard the verdict, “Take your left”. Immediately, my legs began to carry me fast to the lane that ended up in hell contrary o my will. As I advanced, it got hotter and I began to hear the most grievous screams. There were repeated called for water. Soon I left dried in the heat and began panting for water. Then I got to a place with the sign ‘hell’. My legs were about to launch me in when I heard the same voice, “Son go back and live right.” Suddenly my soul returned to my body and I found myself back on earth.’ Repent now. You may not have another chance.
MEMORIZE: PSALM 9:17 –The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget God.