Monday 17 January 2011


Prayer is an indispensable tool of Christian. The level of success that is achievable is a function of the level of prayer the Christian engages in. The average Christian desires to be in control of situations and circumstances but the problem is whether he is ready to pay the price.
A look at the public ministry of Jesus reveals several miraculous encounters. But behind these was a powerful closet ministry. Regularly, He took time out to spend in fellowship with His Father. Sometimes, and frequently too, it took all night of prayer and fellowship with God. Hence when it was day, the multitudes that came to Him never left disappointed.
Ever wonder why all Jesus simply did when confronted with hopeless or very tough situations was say a few minutes’ prayer, or offer a simple command and the situation changed immediately? He paid the price in the closet.
God wants to use you to do the impossible. God wants you as His voice to the nations. God wants to channel His anointing through you to turn things around. Can you pay the price in your closet? Can you take the pains?
The man God will use must have an alter of prayer erected in his closet. He must spend quality time in God’s presence in this secret place of prayer. When you tarry in God’s presence, by the time you leave there, you would not need to make long prayer for situations and circumstances to change. By a mere wish or simple command, a miracle takes place. The more time you spend with the Lord in the closet, the less time you will spend solving problems of any kind. Rise up today and take your closet ministry seriously.
MEMORIZE: LUKE 22:41 –And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed.