Saturday 29 January 2011


Marriage is ordained by God. God’s purpose for bringing the woman out of the man is for several beautiful reasons, the totality of which is to give the family ‘heaven on earth’. But today, couples desecrate the institution of marriage with reckless abandon. Vows are now taken for granted. Unfaithfulness and extramarital affairs are becoming the order of the day. The divorce dilemma that has rocked many homes in the world is now hitting hard at Christian homes. And the casualty rate is on the rise. In-laws are playing ‘God’ and there is no peace in many homes.
What is going on? Has God made a mistake by introducing marriage? Is there no end to this dilemma? What are the roles of Christian spouses in the home? The questions are a myriad! The truth remains that God designed the family as a blessing. But the reason the home that should be a blessing is becoming a curse today is because of a violation of the guiding principles in the Bible. To have the full benefit of technical products, the user must strictly adhere to the manufacturer operation manual. How can you enjoy marriage if you break the operating instructions? God plans to make the nations by first making the families. Satan also tries to destroy the nations by eroding the value system in families.
Every Christian has a part to play in accomplishing God’s goal. If singles take time to seek God’s choice in marriage, this will help to increase lasting homes. Christian families should wait on God for direction during trying moments. They can also seek counselling from their Spirit-filled counsellors. Couples should strictly follow the biblical guidelines regulating marriage – husbands should love, while wives should submit. You are the hope of the world. Your family should stand out in peace, love, forgiveness and godliness. If your home is broken, there is no hope for the world. You could relate very well with your in-laws. Keep them out of your daily activities but win them over through love, practical care, prayer and forgiveness. Your family was extended through marriage, so that you can legitimately access your in-laws and win them over to Jesus. Other homes may fail but not yours.
MEMORIZE: GENESIS 2:24 –Therefore shall a man leave his father and this mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh.